Because the Sacrament of Initiation are welcoming the person into the faith community, and not a particular church building, these sacraments are celebrated in the “Parish Church”.
Baptism is the first of the three sacraments of initiation. Baptism is the first step in a lifelong journey which we respond to God’s love for us. Through baptism we die to sin and rise to new life in Christ.
Parents who want their daughters and sons baptized should contract the parish office. There is a brief period of instruction for the parents and sponsors (Godparents). Because the baptism makes one a member of the Church community, infant baptisms are celebrated during a Sunday Mass. There may be exceptions, like danger of death, otherwise the normal time to bring one into the faith community is when the community gathers on Sunday, the Lord’s Day.
Children who are at the age of reason (around the age 7 years and older) and considered “adults”. Those who have attained the age of reason are asked to enroll in an age appropriate process for the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA). Contact the Director of Religious Education for more information.
Please print out the form for “Record of Baptism Form” located in the “Forms” folder in the “Sacraments” tab. Fill out and have the required documents as stated on the form when you set-up your appointment with our priest. Thank you in advance.